Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Welcome to the website e-skouropoulos.gr. Here you can see our company’s compliance tools with the data protection framework in the appropriate “toolboxes”.  

Clarification – Scope

These terms of use are applied and valid to all services provided through the website e-skouropoulos.gr which will be referred to hereinafter as “E. Skouropoulos”. E.Skouropoulos was designed, developed and owned by E. Skouropoulos SA which for the sake of brevity will be referred to as “Company”. The details of the Company that manages the website are the following:

Company details

Name: E. Skouropoulos SA
Activity: Office Furniture
Address: 106 Agias Paraskevis Str. 15262 , Athens, Greece
VAT Number: EL999213208 – Tax Authority: FAE of Athens
Registry Number (GEMI): 005879701000
Telephone number: +30 210 6853550 (Contact hours: 10:00 – 15:00 from Monday to Friday)
Email: info @ e-skouropoulos.gr

Applicable provisions 

The terms of use are governed by the applicable provisions of Greek law, such as the provisions for consumer protection on a case by case basis (2251/1994 as in force), electronic commerce (PD 131/2003), the protection of personal data (2472/1997, 4624/2019, GDPR 679/2016/EU), the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights and any other relevant.

Binding Terms of Use

By entering and navigating e-skouropoulos.gr or askouropoulos.gr the visitor / user accepts these terms of use. This acceptance is tantamount to his express, unconditional and irrevocable agreement to comply with these terms. In case the visitor / user disagrees with all or some of the terms, he / she must stop and avoid his / her browsing on the website E.Skouropoulos.gr or E.Skouropoulosnhealth.com, notifying the administrator, if he / she so wishes.

At any time the Company has the right to modify, unilaterally, these terms of use, without further justification, while the modifications are taken into account and valid only if they are expressed in writing and incorporated in this text. For this reason, a regular check on the content of these terms by visitors / users is suggested before entering and navigating the e-skouropoulos.gr or askouropoulos.gr website.

Intellectual property rights

You hereby accept and acknowledge that all Company content (documents, texts, marks, drawings, images, services, electronic files, etc.) is the intellectual property of E.Skouropoulos from the time of its publication on the Internet, subject to the rights of third parties. The above content is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions. The domain name www.e-skouropoulos.gr has been legally registered in the database of the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) and “E.Skouropoulos” is a legally registered trademark (trademark) and, therefore, both enjoy protection of the modern and integrated legal framework for the protection of trademarks. With regard to the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties (eg partner websites, organizations or companies), their protection is the sole responsibility of the beneficiaries.

As the creator of its content, the Company expressly prohibits, without its prior written permission, the use in any medium and by any means, copy, registration, storage, temporary or permanent reproduction, distribution, republishing, transmission, publication, download, translation, arrangement and any other modification of part or all of it and the services offered therein. In the event that the administrators of E.Skouropoulos realize that a third party proceeds to the systematic exploitation and mainly removal, manually or automatically, of all or a significant part of its database, the administrators of the Company reserve the present terms for the exercise of any legal right.

It is permitted, exceptionally and provided that the source is indicated, the individual storage and copying of parts of the content on a personal computer for strictly personal use, provided that such use is intended for non-profit activities and the content is not exploited for commercial and financial reasons. The previous exception in no case constitutes an assignment of intellectual property rights by the Company nor does it highlight such will of the latter.

Protection of personal data

The Company, in order to provide its services and to operate in general, processes personal data. The provision of some of your data to our company is necessary when you make transactions or contact us. In the processing of your data, we accept, adopt and apply the processing principles according to no.5 GDPR. The personal data we process are kept for a period of time that is necessary for compliance with the legislation (mainly tax) but also for the preservation of our legal claims. We process the above data in accordance with the Protection Policy and of course we support and ensure the exercise of your rights through a corresponding procedure.

The Company uses modern and up-to-date organizational and technical measures to prevent illegal intrusion, access or dissemination of your personal data. We inform you that we do not carry out automated individual decision making or profiling.

Our website uses cookies to facilitate your connection to it, to collect traffic statistics or for marketing purposes. For more visit the Cookies Policy.

The Company will modify the Protection Policy and the Cookies Policy periodically in order to meet its legal obligations and its actual operation.

Non-provision of advice

The content of the website e-skouropoulos,gr and all the information contained in it are indicative and have an exclusively informative character for the visitors / users of the internet. They are not advice and encouragement for action and in no case can they be perceived as such. The Company is not responsible in any case for any damages resulting from any act and / or omission that was based, in whole or in part, on information provided by the Website as these are not provided in an advisory manner.

The Company does not guarantee, nor can it be inferred from the circumstances that it guarantees, the correctness, appropriateness, accuracy and reliability of the information provided by collaborating third parties (physical and legal) at any stage of the collection, processing and distribution of its content. In accordance with the principle of free flow of information on the Internet, visitors / users of e-skouropoulos have the sole responsibility for the intersection of the information provided and are encouraged to submit any comments or corrections to the administrator of the website.

Company Liability – Limitation of Liability  

The Company is not responsible for any damage, loss and / or any other negative consequences that may arise from accessing and / or using the information and services provided therein. The Company does not guarantee and does not bear any responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of the content (indicative pages, services, options, contents, etc.) received by the visitor / user through E.Skouropoulos, for its smooth operation or inability to use it or for any errors in data transfer or information (file corruption, virus storage, data theft, etc.). There is also no guarantee that in the event of operational errors, they will be corrected. Furthermore, the Company is not responsible for the adequacy, completeness, accuracy and updating of the content of the legal provisions (Official Gazette), announcements, supporting documents and other documents that it publishes in the context of informing the visitors and users of E.Skouropoulos.

No claim of financial or other nature can be recognized as the visitor / user bears only the burden of covering his loss, which arose from the above reasons.

Responsibility of visitor / user  

The Internet Code of Conduct (known as Netiquette) aims to establish agreements of courtesy and mutual respect, as well as the most efficient interaction between users.

The visitor / user at E.Skouropoulos, upon entering and browsing, accepts this Code and undertakes to abide by the rules of ethical conduct. Indicatively, it is prohibited to publish or send by personal message or in any other way to another user or the administrators of the Company content (audiovisual material, text, link, file readable / executable from PC or other electronic device) illegal, abusive, vulgar, pornographic, threatening, defamatory, harassing, harmful to minors or express national, racial or other discrimination as well as viruses, malware, pop-ups, and spam that can cause either temporary or permanent damage / malfunction to any hardware (hardware and software) computer and generally electronic devices or delays, interference and interruptions in the operations of servers or any telecommunication network.

It is also forbidden through the transmission and publication of content the violation of property rights (eg ownership) and intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties unless this is provided by applicable law or by a legal contractual relationship of the visitor / user with the holder of these rights.

The visitor / user is solely responsible for the above violations.

The visitor / user is also responsible in case he provides false information about his person or imitates any person, natural or legal.

By submitting material to E.Skouropoulos, you grant the Company a permanent, non-exclusive, irrevocable and free license to reproduce, adapt, distribute and publicly display a part or all of it within the Company. You agree that for the granting of this license as well as for the content you provide to E.Skouropoulos there will be no payment of any price or any form of compensation, unless there is a written agreement to the contrary. The intellectual property rights on the material remain with their owner, while the Company may indicate the name and status of the person submitting the material, if he has provided them voluntarily.

The E.Skouropoulos.gr website does not provide any right to its visitor / user to use it as a means of committing criminal acts, and the visitor / user is obliged to refrain from committing acts that are indicative, and not exclusively, mentioned in the Civil and Criminal Code, specific criminal law, personal data protection legislation, intellectual and industrial property rights legislation, telecommunications legislation, as well as relevant legislation of the European Union, the National Telecommunications Commission, the Personal Data Protection Authority and any other Public or Administrative Authority and Service and which result in the initiation of any civil or administrative proceedings against the Company or could infringe any right or other legal interest of the Company or a third party.

The Company reserves the right to take reductive action against this visitor / user in case any third party takes legal action against the Company for infringing any of its legal property, which falls within the provisions of the terms of use in the area of responsibility of the visitor / user. The Company, in addition, reserves the right to take action against the visitor / user and to exercise for itself any legal right to compensation for violation of the terms of use and for any legal consequences arising therefrom.

In any case, by accessing and using E.Skouropoulos on your behalf, you accept the correctness and proportionality of the exceptions and limitations of liability set forth in this text.

Under these terms the visitor / user agrees that E.Skouropoulos has the right to remove, disable or restrict access to the material you submit, if it deems in good faith and reasonably that it is in conflict with its terms of use. Changing and / or temporarily or permanently suspending part or all of the services for a serious reason is a right of E.Skouropoulos. Therefore, visitors / users acknowledge that for all such modifications there is no right to be compensated in any way against E.Skouropoulos or its administrators.

For any disagreement with such a move on behalf of E.Skouropoulos, you can contact info@ e-skouropoulos.gr for further investigation.


E.Skouropoulos, in order to facilitate the browsing of its visitors / users, provides the latter with the possibility of accessing third party websites through the appropriate (links). Each website to which the hyperlinks (links) refer includes its own terms of use, which each visitor / user must adhere to. In no case does the provision of these hyperlinks lead to the acceptance or approval of the content of the referred websites by the Company. E.Skouropoulos and / or the Company is not responsible for the content and personal data management policy of the website listed with each link. The visitor / user is solely responsible.

Other terms

The administrators and designers of E.Skouropoulos act with the main goal of improving and developing the services provided by the website and in general. For this reason, all the necessary organizational and security measures are taken and the most appropriate technical mechanisms of content protection are applied, with the aim of providing the safest possible environment for visitors / users, in compliance with the relevant legal provisions. However, errors / malfunctions / interruptions in the contents of the website may occur and / or viruses or other malicious software (malware) may appear either on the website or on its server.

Applicable law

These terms and conditions as well as any modification, change or alteration are governed by and supplemented by Greek law, European Union law and relevant international treaties.

Dispute Resolution 

The courts of Athens are responsible for resolving any dispute.

The constant pursuit of E.Skouropoulos.gr and the Company is the friendly and out-of-court settlement of any disputes that may arise from its use and / or the interpretation and application of these terms of use. For this reason, in case you as a visitor / user find any problematic information or incomplete information in the content of the website, please immediately inform the administrator of the website at info @ e-skouropoulos.gr .